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Do your customers have a password problem?

Ten simple questions can help you identify if your customers need to address the security risk of passwords and privileged accounts:

Download the Free PAM Needs Check List

Spreadsheets, sticky notes and note books.

Remembering a thousand passwords is difficult.  Writing them down somewhere is a massive security risk. Spreadsheets, note books and pads and sticky notes should NEVER be used to store passwords.  Don't laugh, your customers are more than likely guilty of this today. Hawaii's Emergency Management Agency did!


Here, use my password.

One account, many users.  The number of times employees share their passwords to get a job done is mind blowing. The easiest option is generally the most dangerous.  And yet, we still do it.  Over 80% of successful malicious attacks use privileged accounts, stolen or cracked creds.


Does anyone know what systems they had access to?

An admin or person with access to just about everything leaves the company.  No one knows what they had access to or how  to find out. Sound familliar?  Shionogi is a great example of this risk.


If your customers answer "yes" or "I don't know" to any of the questions, then they have a problem.  We have the solution.

Just one click awayfrom the Solution

If you'd like more information, please feel free to email or call me.

Paul Wilson
emt Distribution Pty Ltd

Ph: +61 8 8273 3030
email: paul.wilson@emtdist.com

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